Family Resource Services in Edson, Alberta
Edson Friendship Centre
The Edson Friendship Centre has evolved into a major support service to the Indigenous and non-indigenous people of Edson. We have a strong commitment to our community and are always adapting to the evolving needs of the people we serve. We are dedicated to a collaborative community approach to services and participate on many local and regional boards as a voice for the Indigenous people of Edson and the surrounding area.
The Edson Friendship Centre has been funded to provide:
Home Visitation: This program is free and optional for families with children from newborns to 6 years of age, and for parents-to-be. Our Home Visitation workers provide confidential on-going support that helps create the best possible start for children. This program focuses on building healthy parent-child relationships. If you have questions or wish to schedule a home visitation, Please reach out using the contact information below.
Family Support: We provide personalized supports and services based on your family’s needs. This program is for families with children 7-18 years of age and provides opportunities for growth and development for all members of the family.
Circle of Security: This program is offered to parents and caregivers of children 0 to 18. Circle of Security assists parents and caregivers in looking beyond a child’s behaviour and focuses on the relationships that support children to feel secure in the world. The program consists of one weekly session for 8 weeks. To register, contact Anna Skinner at 780-517-8200.
#200 111 54 Street (Provincial Building)
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Kristie Gomuwka, FRN Coordinator
P: 780-723-5494 ext. 101
*If you or someone you know is in danger or at risk of danger, please contact your local emergency services provider immediately.
Meet the Team
Debbie Gideon
Laurie McCallum
Renay Woelfing